Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Coming back…..

Happy New Year 2010 and Happy Birthday to me (all belated though). This time I came back with a promise to pen down at least once a week. I know I rarely keep my promise, but will try to stand by it this time. Will write anything - >movie reviews, hourly thoughts, anything to everything that comes to mind.

Lots of time and undertaking have gone down the tunnel and got scrapped without my commitment -> my guitar class, my gym (started yesterday):), my personal projects , my blogging and many more…. So planning to make this one count by writing regularly.

Coming back…..
Will enjoy a different me from today .

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Rules,Promises & Eggs are made for broken Mamu...So keep breaking and Enjoy Maddi :)))

Waiting to see different mamu from today..