Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Happy New Year PPL!!!

Seconds,Minutes,Hours,Days,Month now Year ending-- 2010 for me has been very eventful and stressful. Nearly got ring-picked, fought a lot for my salary hike and promotion. Screwed by work,laziness,mood swings. Fought really hard to control my mood swings and the anti-socializing feeling that newly generated in me. Seen a hell lot of transformation in my friends -- from like me to dislike me, tried hard to express what i was going through, but all in vain. Had my "Bidesh trip", this time also no Vegas- I sometime hate myself when I ponder over the Vegas issue,now all gone. It was horribly bad trip, nothing fruitful coming out of it.
Joined a new company.. just for the sake of Brand- Presently, I think this is the worst decision, but slowly will overcome this guilt feeling and will start all over again.

Having a coughing year end , cancelled my trip to Coorg, sitting at home sipping hot water, hoping that I will be able to drink tonight, but nothing seems favorable...
Any ways I will see what needs to be done.. You people go and have a blast.
With new base, new goals, new dreams and with all positiveness I will enter 2011 - the year that should somehow/anyhow will belong to me. I hope everyone does that, leave the decade behind and welcome the new one :)

Happy New Year.... :))))
May this year brings all that everyone is longing for :)