Sunday, 14 September 2008
Eternal Love (IV)- Marriage:The Cataclysm
Laying down with its part in different direction; the master to whom he was so loyal treated him in the most unexpected way and that too for a girl whom Rohan had met only once. That’s not what he deserved ,he never complained even at the long messaging sessions at night and now what he got -”Laying on the floor since 1 hr ” and Rohan sitting on one side of the room looking at him with anguish.
He got up assembled all the pieces and switched it on, it was working fine. The cosmetic part of the phone took a beating but the internal was perfect. He said “that’s my Nokia 2200”. When the phone was up, he got loads of message, all from Sonal, before he could read them - she called. He waited for few rings and then picked.
Sonal: Hello! You are a big idiot, could not understand that I was bugging you.
Rohan: Hi, I thought so, that’s why to trouble you I switched off my phone. Now we are even.
Sonal: Even !! my foot, why you took so long to call, 2 days man – What were you doing? Settling accounts with other girls before bouncing on me?
Rohan: Let’s not get into this - tell me what are you doing now? Are you free?
Sonal: Not that free but tell me ..
Rohan: Meet me at Barista today at 5.
Then he went on to tell her the location, with a little bit of girl’s nagging habit - he convinced her. It was lunch time and he had to meet a girl for lunch. He came back from lunch and it was already 3 p.m. Still have time for the evening date, so he decided of taking a nap. After sometime, his cell phone started making noise, the message was from Sonal. Where are you? I’m already there. What ??? Then he looked at the watch it was 5. Shit, he slept for 2 hours and now he is late.
He woke up, removed his clothes, hurled the water in the bucket over himself then had a DEO bath, dressed up and was ready in 5 minutes. All along the drive to Barista, he was cursing the chicken tanddori and rice. Finally he reached there 1 hr late to find out that he was early as he couldn’t find her. Text her immediately: Where are you? I’m there. Got the reply : Good, then place this order for me “Espresso Italiano” with sugar free, I’ll be there in 10 minutes.
He started laughing, took a table and ordered the desired coffee.
She came, full make up, long ear rings with perfect white top, revealing her cleavage. He thought she looked better in the rain, with all her make up washed out.
Sonal: Have you ordered?
Rohan: Yes, girls are strange he thought, no apologies not even a Hi.
By the time her chit chat started, coffee came to give his ear some respite. As soon as she completed the coffee, she asked for the bill which he paid.
Sonal: Time to go, thanks for the coffee.
Rohan: So early, that was the few words he said after along time, otherwise she never gave him a chance to utter.
Sonal: Yup, coffee is over so no point in sitting and above all you don’t speak much, it’s me doing all the talking.
Rohan: You never allowed me to speak.
Sonal: Oh oh, is it , I thought that you were enjoying the view and never bother to talk, chalo next time you do the talking and I’ll listen.
Rohan: What view?
Sonal: Aah, .. come on . you have bike na?
Rohan: Yes.
Sonal: good drop me to PVR, I have a movie to catch at 7.30.
Rohan: gr8.
He took her to PVR saket and was about to say bye, when she said “park the bike and come to the entrance, I have got 2 tickets for SpiderMan”. He was shocked but couldn’t do anything. They watched the movie and he dropped her home after the movie.
Few more dates, movies and some lips act episodes in the theatre, sometimes even the goodbye kiss when he drops her home, now he was comfortable with her and was able to do much of talking also. She had now become his daily routine, he thought that he had given Sonal the maximum time among all the girls and never felt like sleeping with her. That’s was so unlikely of him, sometimes he thinks that he had killed the original Rohan or probably he was in some kind of hypnotic fascination entrusted by her. Whatever it was he simply loved her company.
The Unexpected:
Hours, days, months passed and she had now become the necessity, their frequent meet-ups took a jitter because of her 12th board exams that was the time when he realized -he loved her. The only time he could meet her was after the exams before the cab picks her up. To spend more time with her he would insist her of letting him drop her. The Exam took almost a month to finish and during that month he had only met her few times. He was longing for the exams to end and finally the day came. He was very exited that day, had made the preparation also, booked the movie tickets as she is very fond of movie, booked the table for dinner on the busiest restaurant. Everything was set even Sonal had taken permission from home–her typical excuse worked this time too. She came out from the school premises and demanded Rohan to take her to his place, so that she could change. He opened the door, as soon as they got in, she kissed him, Rohan was shocked and was not able to act accordingly , seeing this she withdrew her lips from his.
Sonal: I love you.
Rohan: What?
Sonal: Again this “what”, I’m telling I love you, I don’t know why, may be because you are smart, care for me……..
Her tone got heavy and she was not able to the utter the words properly, that was the signal for him to take over from there, he brought her close and hugged her.
Rohan: I love you too, thought of saying this to you long time before but was never able to.
She started smiling and kissed her, this time he was ready, after some time he pushed her and said “ Change , we have a movie to catch”. She stood there staring at him as if deprived of something and so abstruse that she gave an imperceptible nod and turned back, the omen clearly reflected that it’s time now and there was no escaping, he hold her by the hand, picked her up, kissed her and dropped her on the bed.
Sonal: Come in.
Rohan: Oh you are awake? I was just closing the windows.
Sonal: There are no windows in the balcony, get in other wise you will fall sick and close the door also, I’m feeling cold.
Rohan: Yup, you try to get some sleep, I’ll smoke and come.
As he lit the cigarette, he remembers of the evening he had his first drag along with her. After the first time, it was no big deal, she was lying next to him, wrapped in the bed sheet, suddenly she got up and started looking for match box, once she found it, she opened her purse and pulled out a small packet. She slid in to the bed, by this time he was watching all the episodes never dared to question her, because her body language had the sign of “NO OBJECTION”. She un-wrapped the cover, it was a cig packet. It came out of his mouth “What”.
Sonal: It’s said that after sex, smoking gives you a different kind of pleasure.
Rohan: What? Who told u?
Sonal: I read it, and stop with your “whats” and lit one, we will smoke.
He had smoked few drags before, during his night shifts so he knew a bit about smoking. He lit it up, took a drag, she was staring at his face, with eyes wide open.
Sonal: How do u feel, give me I’ll also try, teach me.
Rohan: No no, It’s not good.
Sonal: Shut up, I got it, I’ll try, tell me how to do it.
He explained her how to take, she took it and started coughing, eyes filled with water, nose all red. He tried to take the cig from her but she was not ready to let it go, One more go, she yelled at him with rash voice. One, two, three drags and now she was master.
Sonal: Idiots, these survey guys are big idiots, taste awful.
She threw the cig out of the window and looked for water and Rohan started laughing.
Sonal: Come get up, we will go to the ice cream parlour or else I’ll throw in sometime.
She was having the ice cream at full speed and he was still laughing.
Sonal: Shut up or else I’ll kill you.
Rohan: Ok ok. So when are you going for your cousin marriage?
Sonal: How many times I have told this Friday and yes I’ll be coming back in 15 days.
Rohan: 15 days, what will I do, your mobile will work there na?
Sonal: No my mobile will not work, I’ll call you everyday at night, now stop being a baby, I’m your GF not your wife.
to be contd...
Monday, 1 September 2008
Rock On- Rocks.
Well, compelled to post the review amidst my “love story-Eternal Love”, just because can’t resist to wait for my story to conclude and the request for the review also made me do so. This post may be not well written as I’m writing a review after a long time and probably won’t be able to do complete justice.
Rock On – Live the Dreams.
The movie is about fulfilling the dreams you have so long lived with. It clearly reflects never to compromise in life rather keep on Rocking. With compromise you grow older and disgusted but when you start striving for your dreams age seems to be no barrier for you. This is the story about a music band group “MAGIK”, the way the word is spelled gives you a picture that it’s different, the band, the music they compose, the lyrics , the bondage they have, the dreams they strive for. The movie is about friendship, relationships, compromises, dreams.
Four friends form a band “Magik” and dream to make it big. Aditiya (Farhan Akhtar ) the lead singer and the poet of the band is ready to make any compromise to see the band making a mark on the global level , he dreams of “Having a bus named on the Band and they always move ahead on their journey never look back” and to fulfill this he is ready to compromise with the music also. Joe (Arjun Rampal), the stud, the lead guitarist of the band, is not ready to compromise their music at any stake. He believes in creating music that pleases everyone rather than creating music to please and suit others. KD(Purab Kohli) aka killer drummer is just concerned with pleasing girls , never dreams or believe in any idealism. Rob (Luke Kenney) just wants the band to be together and compose.
Each and every character is perfectly portrayed, be it their competitor band (forgot the name of the band) but ya remember their song “Zehriley” or the music company owner and the director of their first album-everyone’s role is well crafted. Other than the four main players the movie also highlights the two females- Sakshi (Prachi Desai) who plays Aditya’s wife and Shahana Goswami who plays Arjun’s wife. They both are different characters - Sakshi tries to unite the band so that his hubby (Farhan) is happy and their relationship improves but Arjun’s wife always tries to keep him away from their friends and the band even though she was with the band from starting.
The Acting:
Three debutants, three marvelous performances each of them need a special appreciation for their part. Farhan perfectly suits in to the role of the lead singer and the perfect hubby role, he display all the emotions with ease, be it when he is a husband or be it when he portrays the lead and most talented/responsible member of the band. Prachi brings grace and freshness in the movie, her role is well crafted and she does full justice to it. Arjun Rampal – he is the man, Long hair, classy mustache, perfect body language as a lead guitarist – his entry in the climax of the movie just speak of his power packed display. Guitar in the hand, hair swaying, stern look on the face, rock star kind of body movement all are just awesome. The way he handles the character of a loser and a hero in the eyes of his son are all superbly done. Shahana – she is just superb, she perfectly carries the irritation and disappointment in her role with ease. The complex character is very perfectly portrayed by her, she could well turn out be the director’s actor. Purab – his comic timing are just excellent, he is improving with every movie. He brings the light moments on the tense and sentimental part of the movie. Luke is well poised and energetic in his role as the man with a big heart.
The Music:
Shankar-Eshan-loy gives another master piece and a new singer in Farhan Akhtar to the industry. All the numbers are catchy and different, some you will like the first time you hear it and some you will like after you watch the movies. However I felt that the music could have been much better, but then I realized I could not compare it with LedZ, Metallica or any other big names just because the name of the movie has Rock word in it. The lyrics are funny and difficult to hum but still they flow well with the music and Farhan voice. All the songs are perfectly picturized, giving them a Rock show feel. The guitar work in all the songs are rocking, perfectly complimented by the drums and Farhan voice gives it a perfect blend.
The Direction, Screenplay and Editing:
Abhishek Kapoor- well his first venture was a disaster [Arayan] can’t say about it much as I have not watched it. In this movie he has done his home work though, one will simply love the style the movie is narrated and the flash backs put in the perfect part of the movie. The movie start’s with a stage rock performance on the road side of Mumbai with people moving in the background and the typical Mumbai traffic- a classy act of direction. A perfect execution of the most difficult movie according to me because rock is still considered insidious in
The Flaw:
There are few I would say- they may not be taken as flaw in other’s books, but I feel the break up of the band was not properly build up. It could have been more audience hitting, even their reunion was also not that great. I felt that because to break best of friends you need some substantial reason normal ego probs won’t do and when long separated friends reunite than it has to be grand. Except the title song "Rock On" other lyrics could have been made more hum-able, so that it could have appealed to the masses-who loves humming the bollywood songs. This could have brought all kind of viewers to the theatres, but now it’s a metro audience movie.
Few things I have not talked about, which you will love when you see the movie. The climax of the movie is the stage performance for 20 minutes, it’s perfect and it was shot in one go I guess - a perfect ending.
A must watch for all viewers, don’t go on the title of the movie, even the non Rock lovers would enjoy the movie. I being a true worshiper of rock music simply loved it, give me a man with guitar in his hand with long hairs playing high nodes with drums in the background- I could watch it for infinite hours.
Have a Rock On – go watch it.