Saturday, 31 May 2008

Face 2 Face with God.

Long hours of staring at the laptop screen looking at the black and white code which resembles my colorless life, marching close towards developing asthenopia or already developed only God knows. Eyes almost closed, my head about to fall on the table when suddenly heard a voice…

God: Beta !
Me : Papa!

God: Main tumhara baap nai hun.. Open your eyes son. Main sab ka baap hun!!
Me: Amitabh???

God: No No! Bollywood ke duniya se bhar aao. I’m GOD!
Me: What the F…

God: No slang, you are in front of God.
Me: Oops, sorry. Which god? I mean Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh or some other Foreigner God like Jesus.. o o oh.. I don’t remember any other foreign god’s name. Sorry Again.

God: Plzz.. Now you can go back to bollywood. “Bhagwan ek hai- we identify them with different names”.
Me: ok ok. So why are you here? Do you want me to construct some temples/mosques/churches ?

God: No No.
Me: Then anything important? One second I always have a short prayer after bath – in case you don’t know.

God: I know that. It’s just a regular visit. If you need any help. I try to cover most of the people whenever I get free time, today is your turn.
Me: Ok so you often visit people.

God: Only on free time.
Me: Oh ok. So you are also busy?? Gr8.

God: Yes. It’s same like a job of an IT professional – No Work /Very Busy.
Me: And what about Job satisfaction.

God: Please let’s not go in to this.
Me (To myself): He also has a job problem probably came down to look for one, but why me , he should have contacted HR peoples.

God: Hello!!
Me: Yes yes. So tell me what you want from me?

God: That’s the question I must be asking you.
Me: Ok. Happiness and good health for my family.

To Myself: What was that? I could have asked for million dollars ..y y millions.. Uncle Scruz Bank infact or some hot blonde gal as my Gf and some sundar, sushil and wealthy Wife. CEO of some big multi-national company, anything I could have asked for. Any ways chance gone.

God: Gud. I’m very happy that you care so much about your family.
To Myself: That was a mistake dude..sorry god!!.

God: Anything else you would like me to do.
Me: It struck me, Wait a sec. so you came here for something special and you know that’s missing in my life.

God: No no, it’s not like that!!
Me: Come on!! If you know what’s missing then why you want to hear it from my mouth. Ok so you want to embarrass me. So let do it your ways.

God: It’s not like that, I don’t want to hurt or embarrass you, it’s just my routine question, I ask it to everyone after my first question.
Me: Hmm. Actually I have lot’s of questions/things, the list is long can I mail you if you have a mailing address ?

God: No son. No service provider above.
Me: Ok. No probs. Rite now I need sleep, I’m very tired.
There it goes screwed my second chance also.

God: As you wish son. Good Night!!
Me: wait wait.. how can I get in touch with you? Or if I need your help.

God: No need. I’ll be in touch with you and I’m always there to help you- that’s service comes as default and free.
Me: Great. Bbye!!

No reply!! He has already gone.
Few minutes later I slept and snored heavily.

I was cursing myself when I got up in the morning that I screwed up an opportunity to be rich, famous, and renowned. Disappointment precludes me from getting up from the bed, so I thought of contemplating more on the purpose of his visit.
Long thoughts long discussion with me, brain cells fighting within my head for the righteous answer none succeeding though.

Finally concluded that the sole purpose of GOD visiting me was to make sure that I don’t loose faith in him or probably he may have seen that i am on the path of destroying it, although I was not converted to atheists or he may have thought I would have converted to one in near future. May be any of these reasons.

It was a message - do any thing you undertake with pure heart and commitment not too concerned about the outcome, he will always be there beside you taking care of all the issues and fighting along side you in overcoming all the hindrances coming your way.

Just go full throttle!! God hai na. !!

This post should be taken in the best of the spirit, in no ways I’m hurting anyone religious feelings/beliefs or mocking God. My earnest apologies in advance just in case.